The pristine environment in which the Pinctada Maxima Oyster is farmed from.

Australian South Sea pearls are cultured through a respectful partnership with nature. The industry operates under the Pearling Code of Practice, which ensures minimal disruption to the natural environment.
As a result of Australia's good quota system and the good fortune of an isolated and pristine environment, Australia now has the world's last significant beds of wild South Sea pearl oysters.
Due to these strong conservation measures, Australia's pearl beds are healthier than they have been for more than a century. It is not by mere luck that natural pearls of the highest quality are still discovered today. It is also due to careful management of wild Oyster stocks and respect for their natural environment. This environmental responsibility has always been integral to Australia's pearling practices.
After a two-year assessment by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), the Australian pearling industry has been independently certified to MSC’s standard for environmental and sustainability management.
The MSC is the world’s leading non-profit organization dedicated to the sustainable and environmentally responsible use of wild marine resources. The certification is a world-first for the pearling industry.
Stretching from the Cobourg Peninsula north-east of Darwin to Dampier in Western Australia, Australia's remote pearl farm locations have been carefully chosen for their pristine environments, untouched by pollution.
These locations provide optimal conditions for the Pinctada Maxima to produce the world’s finest pearls. Many of the farms are located in or adjacent to national parks, marine parks and Aboriginal lands.
The pearling industry surpasses the requirements of the Ecologically Sustainable Development requirements of Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999).
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